(Tanto )Yamato no kuni ju Gassan Sadatoshi
Heisei Gan nen Ni gatsu Kichi jitsu
Fittings:Kuroro urushi nuri saya aikuchi tanto koshirae,Tomobako
短刀 大和国住月山貞利作(花押)
Item NO. | NO.K00194 | Price | 1,300,000JPY (Shipping fee extra) |
Paper | NBTHK Mukansa (公財)日本美術刀剣保存協会認定 無監査 | ||
Country | Nara-ken(奈良県) | ||
Period | Modern time(現代(平成元年作)) | ||
Blade Length | 21.6cm (7寸1分)| 8 1/2in | ||
Curve(Sori) | Not Sori | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 2.1cm| 53/64in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.5cm|13/64in | ||
Keijo | Hira-zukuri, iori-mune, mihaba atsuku, Sori-nashi. | ||
Kitae | Ayasugihada,chi nie yoku tsuku. | ||
Hamon | Notare-chō ni sugu-ha o yaki, ha hada ni karan de uchi no ke nado majie, konie-tsuki, nioikuchi akaruku saeru. | ||
Boushi | Sugu ni Komaru ni kaeru. | ||
Hori | Hyōri tomoni bō hi o marutome ni suru. | ||
Nakago | Ubu,saki wazuka ni ha agari kurijiri, yasurime keshō ni katte sagari, Hole 1. | ||
Accessories | Tomobako(Gassan Sadatoshi sign)(共箱(月山貞利箱書有))・Kuro uruahi nuri saya aikuchi tanto koshirae(黒漆塗鞘合口短刀拵)・kiniro ichiju Habaki(金色一重ハバキ) | ||
Details | Sadatoshi Gassan was born as the third son of Teiichi Gassan, a Living National Treasure. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Osaka Institute of Technology, he honed his swordsmithing skills under his father, Teiichi. He won many special awards at exhibitions of new swords, was certified as non-audited in 1975, and was certified as a holder of Nara Prefecture's intangible cultural properties in 2003. He specializes in the traditional Ayasugi style of the Gassan clan, as well as the Soshu style and the Bizen style, and is also good at sword carving. This piece has the traditional Ayasugi skin of the Gassan family, and the straight blade with a drape-like finish is bright and clear. Also included is a box containing Sadatoshi Gassan's box book and a black lacquered scabbard and a tsutō koshirae. It shows the high level of skill and workmanship of Sadatoshi Gassan, a swordsmith who is widely hailed as a candidate for the next Living National Treasure. 月山貞利は人間国宝 月山貞一の三男として生まれる。大阪工業大学建築学科を卒業後、師である父貞一のもと、鍛刀の技を磨く。新作刀展覧会において幾多の特賞を受賞し、昭和50年に無監査に認定され、平成15年には奈良県無形文化財保持者に認定される。作風は月山一門伝統の綾杉伝を得意とし、そのほか相州伝や備前伝があり、刀身彫も得意としている。本作は月山一門伝統の綾杉肌となり、のたれ調の直刃は明るく冴えている。月山貞利の箱書がある共箱と黒漆塗鞘合口短刀拵も附帯する。次期人間国宝候補との呼び声高い、月山貞俊刀匠の技量の高さと出来栄えを示している。 |

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