(Tanto )Bizenkoku ju Osahune Genbei no jyo Sukesada saku kore
Nanba jiei no jō jū dai nobe ko nari
Tnsho Nana nen Hachi gatsu Kichi jitsu
(Mune ni)Godai Rikimyooh
Fittings:Kuro urushi nuri saya tanto koshirae
短刀 備前国住長船源兵衛尉祐定作之
Item NO. | NO.K00214 | Price | 4,200,000円JPY Shipping fee extra) |
Paper | NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper | ||
Country | Bizen koku(備前国) | ||
Period | Muromachi Period(室町時代)15th~16th century | ||
Blade Length | 27.0cm|10 5/8in | ||
Curve(Sori) | 0.1cm|3/64in | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 2.2cm|55/64in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.96cm|3/8in | ||
Keijo | Hira-dzukuri, Mitsu mune, Mihaba jinjō, Kasane hijō ni atsuku, Sun ga tsumaru. | ||
Kitae | Koitamehada ni moku-majiri,chi nie-tsuki,-chi kei hairu. | ||
Hamon | Guno-me kogu no me ko chōji-bako ga karu ha nado majiri, ashi-yō yoku hairi, nioi-gachi ko nie-tsuki, kinsuji sunagashi kakari, tobiyaki-iri, nioikuchi akarui. | ||
Boushi | Midare-komi,-saki nie dzuki kaen-fū to nari, nagaku kaeru. | ||
Nakago | Ubu,-saki ha agari kurijiri, yasurime katte sagari, Hole 2. | ||
Accessories | Kin nijūhabaki (金二重ハバキ),shirasaya(白鞘), kurorourushi nurisaya tantō Koshirae(黒呂漆塗鞘短刀拵) | ||
Details | Genbei no jyo sukesada is said to be the son of Yosozaemon Sukesada. Among the Osafune swordsmiths at the end of the Muromachi period, there were many swordsmiths who called themselves Sukesada, but among them, Hikobei no jyo sukesada, Yoso Saemon no Josukesada, and this Genbei no jyo sukesada were particularly skilled. He has a reputation for his excellent training. This work is very thick and has the appearance of an armor-piercing blade with a sharp tip, and has excellent neat forging with a small amount of ground, and both the ground blade and the ground blade are bright and clear, fully demonstrating the craftsman's high level of skill. It shows. In addition, Kuroro urushi nuri saya Tanto koshirae, which is unified with horse-shaped metal fittings, is attached. |

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