(Wakizashi)Kasama Ikkansai Shigetsugu Hori Dosaku
Showa Juni nen Hachi gatsuhi
脇指 笠間一貫斎繁継彫同作
Item NO. | No,K00220 | Price | ¥1,000,000JPY (Shipping fee extra) |
Paper | NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper (公財)日本美術刀剣保存協会 特別保存刀剣鑑定書 | ||
Country | Tokyo-東京都 | ||
Period | Present-Showa-12 | ||
Blade Length | 35cm |13 25/32in | ||
Curve(Sori) | 0.3cm |1/8in | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 3.0cm| 1 3/16in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.5cm | 13/64in | ||
Keijo | Hirazukuri, mitumune, sun-nobite, kasane-usuku, asaku-sori-tsuku. | ||
Kitae | Koitamehada-yoku-tsumi, zinie mijin ni atsuku tsuki, kane akaruku-saeru. | ||
Hamon | Suguha-kichō ni gunome-atama-soroe to nari, atsuku nie-zuki, ashi-nagaku hairu. | ||
Boushi | Notare-komi, Komaru ni kaeru. | ||
Hori | Obverse:Koshimoto ni "daikokuten"(大黒天)o hori, sono-ue ni "Shoun"(昇運) no moji o inkoku(陰刻) suru. Back: Koshimoto ni ”Ebisu-sama” (恵比寿様)o horu. | ||
Nakago | Ubu,Saki-Kuri-jiri,Yasurime-Kiri,Hole 1 | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya(白鞘),Kin-kise Ichiju-habaki(金着一重ハバキ) | ||
Details | The real name of Kasama Ikkansai Shigetsugu swordsmith is Yoshikazu Kasama. Born in Shizuoka in 1886. He became a disciple of his uncle, Shigetoshi Miyaguchi, and later Masakichi Morioka.Moved to Tokyo in 1903. After serving as an early instructor at Hikosaburo Kurihara's Japanese sword training school in Akasaka, Tokyo, in 1935 he forged swords at the Tokiwa Sho Sword Institute in Tozan's residence and became the chief swordsmith. Appointed as Sword Officer in the Imperial Household Ministry, Vice Chairman of the Eastern Japan Training Sword Industry Association, Instructor at the Tokyo Akasaka Japanese Sword Training School, and Selected as the Teiten Exhibition Highest Award Winner. He created a number of gift swords. He passed away in 1965 at the age of 80. He is one of the modern master craftsmen who worked to restore and pass on the Japanese sword forging method, and is also known as the teacher of Kishimasa Tsukamoto, who became his successor's son-in-law, and Akihira Miyairi, who became a Living National Treasure. This piece is decorated with carvings of Daikokuten(大黒天) and Ebisu-sama(恵比寿様), and has the character ``Shoun(昇運)'' engraved in intaglio, making it a very auspicious wakizashi. Mitsuru Toyama (1855-1944) was from the Fukuoka domain. He started from the Freedom and People's Rights Movement and founded the political association ``Genyosha.'' 笠間一貫斎繁継刀匠は、本名を笠間義一。明治十九年(1886年)静岡に生まれる。伯父にあたる宮口一貫斎繁寿、のちに森岡正吉 門下となる。明治三十六年(1903年)上京。東京赤坂にあった栗原彦三郎の日本刀伝習所の初期の師範を務めた後、昭和10年(1935)には頭山邸内常盤松刀剣研究所で鍛刀し、主任刀匠となった。宮内省御刀係を拝命し、日本東部鍛練刀工業組合副理事長、東京赤坂日本刀伝習所師範、帝展最優位入選。数々の献上刀を作成した。昭和40年(1965)80歳にて没する。日本刀鍛法の復旧伝承に務め、繁継の女婿となった塚本起正、人間国宝となった宮入昭平等の師としても知られる現代の名工の一人である。本作は大黒天と恵比寿様の彫物が施され、昇運の文字が陰刻されているなどとても縁起の良い脇指となっている。頭山満(1855~1944)は福岡藩出身。自由民権運動から出発、政治結社「玄洋社」を創設した人物である。 |

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