Koto Saijosaku
(Katana)Mumei Norishige
刀 無銘 則重
Item NO. | NO.K00216 | Price | Please contact us |
Paper | NBTHK No,67 Jyuyo Paper | ||
Country | Ecchu Country(越中国) | ||
Period | Kamakura Period,13th-14th century | ||
Blade Length | 69.3cm /27 9/32in | ||
Curve(Sori) | 2.3cm/29/32in | ||
Top Width (Sakihaba) | 2.0cm/25/32in | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 3.05cm/1 13/64in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.61cm/15/64in | ||
Top Thickness (Sakikasane) | 0.37cm/9/64in | ||
Keijo | Shinogidukuri, Iorimune, sword width slightly wider, original width and tip width not much different, suriage, become koshizori; Chukissaki becomes large elongation. | ||
Kitae | Itame and Moku are interlocked, Hadaai is large, the skin stands up generally, ground boiling is slightly thick, and the ground is often thickly impressed, and Kaneiro is slightly darkened. | ||
Hamon | Kochouji and Kogunome are frequently expressed in Suguha-Cho. Ashi and Yo are often added, Nie is thickly attached, and Habuchi becomes frayed, Nijyuba, and Kuichigaiba. Kinsuji and Sunagashi often appear, and Nioikuchi is bright. | ||
Boushi | Midaremokmi, Saki-TogariGokoro, Kaeri very Hakikakeru. | ||
Hori | Kakinagasu Bouhi and Sohi on the front and back. | ||
Nakago | Nakago-Osuriage, Saki-Kiri, Yasurime-Kattesagari, Hole-2. | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya,Gold Niju Habaki | ||
Details | However, considering the shape of his swords and daggers, and the fact that they are dated to the Shōwa and Gen'o periods, it seems reasonable to accept the theory that he was a student of Shindō Go Kunimitsu, as described in a Muromachi period sword book, and that he and Masamune should be regarded as complementary students. Norishige's style is similar to that of Soshu Kamiko Naka Masamune, but he often expresses changes in boiling more openly than Masamune, and his wares are characterized by the conspicuous inclusion of thick ground patterns on a skin tone full of character, which is called "pine bark skin. The workings can be seen on the edge of the blade and in the middle of the blade, showing the workings of the boiling that changes in a thousand ways. |

Koto|Shinto|Shinshinto|GendaitoPRICE LISTS
~¥500,000 JPY|¥510,000 JPY~¥1,000,000 JPY|¥1,010,000 JPY~¥2,000,000 JPY|¥2,010,000 JPY~¥3,000,000 JPY| ¥3,010,000 JPY~¥4,000,000 JPY|¥4,010,000 JPY~¥5,000,000 JPY|¥5,010,000 JPY~¥10,000,000 JPY|¥10,010,000 JPY~ |Please contact us -
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