(Tanto)Syohei kore
Heisei 22-Nen Chūka
短刀 晶平之(川崎晶平)
Item NO. | No,K00225 | Price | ¥380,000JPY (Shipping fee extra) |
Country | Saitama ken(埼玉県) | ||
Period | Present-Heise 22,2010 | ||
Blade Length | 24.5cm|9 41/64in | ||
Curve(Sori) | Do not have | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 2.4cm|15/16in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.6cm|15/64in | ||
Keijo | Hirazukuri, Mitsu mune, Mihaba jinjō, Kasane atsuku, Sori nashi | ||
Kitae | Itame, moku-majiri, ha yori tokorodokoro Masa-gakari, hada tachi-gokoro ni,ji nie atsuku tsuki,chi kei futoku hairu | ||
Hamon | Notare-chō ni nakahodo kara jōhan ni kakete yaki haba takaku nari,Ōgunome majiri, ashi,yo, nado hairi, nioi fukaku, tokorodokoro aranie-tsuki, kinsuji-hiri, sunagashi sakan ni kakari, habuchi ni yubashiri-fū majieru. | ||
Boushi | Togari-gokoro ni Komaru ni kaeri, nie fukaku,-saki haki kakeru | ||
Nakago | Ubu,Saki kiri,Yasurime sujikai,Hole1 | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya(白鞘),Kin kise niJū habaki(金着二重鎺) | ||
Details | Swordsmith Kawasaki Shohei, whose real name is Hitoshi Kawasaki, was born in Oita Prefecture. After graduating from Meiji University, he became an apprentice to Master Yukihira Miyairi Kozaemon, the son of Living National Treasure Shohei, who entered the National Palace Museum. In 1999, he received approval to make swords from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and won the Excellence Award and Newcomer Award at the first exhibition of new swords sponsored by the Japanese Art Sword Preservation Association. In 2001, he received a number of awards, including the Special Award Association Honorary Chairman's Award. In 2003, he opened Shohei Tanto Dojo in Misato-cho, Saitama Prefecture and became independent. He is also known for collaborating with the popular manga Evangelion and exhibiting the counter sword that appears in the manga at the much-talked-about Evangelion and Japanese Sword Exhibition. 川崎晶平刀匠は、本名を川崎仁史といい、大分県出身で明治大学を卒業後、人間国宝 故宮入昭平のご子息 宮入小左衛門行平師に入門。1999年に文化庁より作刀承認を受け、公益財団法人日本美術刀剣保存協会主催の新作刀展覧会初出品にて優秀賞・新人賞を受賞。2001年には特賞 協会名誉会長賞を受賞するなど数多くの賞を受賞している。2003年に埼玉県美里町に晶平鍛刀道場を開設し独立する。また人気漫画エヴァンゲリヲンとコラボして話題となった「エヴァンゲリヲンと日本刀展」に漫画作中に登場するカウンターソードを出品したことでも知られている。 |

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