NBTHK Mukansa
Tanto Sakai Ikkansai Shigemasa
Showa Rokuju nen Go gatsu Kichi jitsu
短刀 酒井一貫齋繁政
Item NO. | No,K00221 | Price | ¥660,000JPY (Shipping fee extra) |
Paper | NBTHK Hozon Paper (公財)日本美術刀剣保存協会 保存刀剣鑑定書 | ||
Country | Saitama-Japan | ||
Period | Present-Showa 60 | ||
Blade Length | 26.1cm | 10 9/32in | ||
Curve(Sori) | 0.2cm | 5/64in | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 2.6cm | 1 1/32in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.5cm | 13/64in | ||
Keijo | Hira-zukuri, iori mune, mihaba jinjō, sori wazuka ni tsuku. | ||
Kitae | Itame hada nagarete masa-gakari,Zinie tsuku. | ||
Hamon | Suguha-chō ni kogunome, konotare majie, sunagashi kakari yubashiri-fū to nari, koashiiri, konie tsuku. | ||
Boushi | Notarekomi,saki-hakikake, Komaru ni kaeru. | ||
Nakago | Ubu,Saki-Kuri-jiri,Yasurime-kiri,Hole1 | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya(白鞘)・Kinkise-niju-habaki(金着二重ハバキ) | ||
Details | Shigemasa Sakai Ikkansai(酒井一貫斎繁政), whose real name was Hiroshi Sakai, was born in Otowa-cho, Shizuoka City in 1901 as the third son of Yasujiro Sakai (younger brother of Masatoshi Miyaguchi).He moved to Tokyo in 1920 at the age of 16 and became a disciple of Shigetsugu Kasama Ikkansai. (笠間一貫斎繁継)After entering the school, he studied the Bizen tradition for a long period of time, practiced swordsmithing and carving, and received the title of ``Shigeru'' from his master, and his first name was ``Shigemasa,'' and later ``Shigemasa.'' In 1930, he joined the Yasukuni training school as a follower of his cousin Yasuhiro Miyaguchi (Toshihiro doujin). In 1933, he left the Yasukuni Training Dojo with Yasuhiro Miyaguchi and Sadakichi Takeda and transferred to the Okura Training Dojo, which was established by Baron Kishichiro Okura. In 1945, he opened an independent swordsmith shop in Itabashi Ward, Tokyo. In the same year, he was certified as an Army commissioned swordsmith. In 1945, he was certified as a commissioned swordsmith by the Navy. In 1981, it was certified as unexamined by the Japan Art Sword Preservation Association. Shigemasa, who had been making swords in Tokyo for a long time, moved to Saitama in his later years and continued to make swords energetically until his death in 1996 at the age of 91. In this work, the base metal is beautiful and the blade pattern stands out due to the skillful training that is characteristic of Shigemasa Sakai Ikkansai. 酒井一貫斎繁政は本名を酒井寛という、明治38年静岡市音羽町に酒井安次郎(宮口正寿の弟)の三男として生まれ、大正10年16才で東京に出て、笠間一貫斎繁継の門下に入り、長期にわたり備前伝などを学び、鍛刀・彫刻を修行し、師より「繁」の一時をもらい初銘は「繁正」、後に「繁政」と銘す。昭和8年、従兄弟の宮口靖広(寿広同人)の先手として、靖国鍛錬所に入会する。昭和11年、宮口靖広、竹田定吉とともに靖国鍛錬所を退会、大倉喜七朗男爵が開設した大倉鍛錬道場に移籍する。昭和16年、東京都板橋区に独立鍛刀所を開設。同年、陸軍受命刀匠の認定を受ける。昭和19年、海軍受命刀匠の認定を受ける。昭和56年、(公)日本美術刀剣保存協会の無鑑査に認定される。長らく東京で作刀していた繁政は、晩年には埼玉へと居を移し、1996年(平成8年)91歳で世を去るまで精力的に作刀を行ったのです。本作は酒井一貫斎繁政の特徴でもある鍛錬の巧みさから地鉄が美しく、刃文が際立っている。 |

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