Minamoto no Kiyomaro utsushi
(Tnto)Chikusyu sannou ju So Tsutomu
Heisei 26-nen 10-gatsu 10-hi
Fittings:Kuro ro urushi nuri saya tanto koshirae
短刀 筑州山王住宗勉
Item NO. | No,K00226 | Price | ¥880,000JPY (Shipping fee extra) |
Paper | Mukansa(無鑑査)、NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper((公益)日本美術刀剣保存協会 特別保存刀剣鑑定書 ) | ||
Country | Hukuoka(福岡県) | ||
Period | Present-Heise 26,2014 | ||
Blade Length | 26cm|10 15/64in | ||
Curve(Sori) | Slightly | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 2.5cm|63/64in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.6cm|15/64in | ||
Keijo | Hira zukuri, iori mune, mihaba jinjō, wazuka ni sori tsuku. | ||
Kitae | Ko itame tsunde nagare hada-majiri,ji nie yoku tsuki,chi kei hairu. | ||
Hamon | Gu no me midare ni kaku gakatta Ō gu no me ,atama no marui gu no me nado majiri, ashi nagaku sakan ni hairi, nioikuchi fukaku, nie yoku tsuki, arame no nie tokorodokoro mura ni tsuki, kinsuji sunagashi nagaku kakari, nioikuchi akaruku saeru. | ||
Boushi | Midare konde tsukiage, saki togatte nagaku kaeri, haki kakeru. | ||
Nakago | Ubu,Saki-kuri jiri,Yasuri me-suji kai,Hole1 | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya(白鞘),Kuroro urushi nuri saya tanto koshirae(黒呂漆塗鞘短刀拵),Kin kise 2-ju habaki(金着二重鎺) | ||
Details | Sotsutsu swordsmith's real name was Munekatsu, and he was born in 1928. In 1945, he studied under his father, the swordsmith Munemasa Hikaru, and from 1955 he began exhibiting new works at an exhibition of famous swords. He received many special awards, including the Agency for Cultural Affairs Commissioner's Award and the Kaoruyama Award, and in 1990 was certified as non-examined. His style is strong, with Samonji and Kotetsu as examples, and he specializes in Sōshuden with well-worked gold lines and sunarashi, and is especially famous for his copying by Kiyomaro Yamaura. This tanto is a copy of Minamoto no Kiyomaro, who was the best at Sotsutsu swordsmith, and it has a mixture of square eyes, round eyes, round eyes, etc., and has a long groove and a deep opening. The result is a workmanship that closely approaches the main song, with a hot boil, a rough boil here and there, a long kinsuji and sunagashi, and a bright and clear sound. 宗勉刀匠は、本名を宗勝といい、昭和2年に生まれる。昭和21年、父の宗正光刀匠に師事し、昭和30年より新作名刀展に出品する。文化庁長官賞、薫山賞などを数多くの特賞を受賞し、平成2年に無鑑査の認定を受ける。作風は、左文字、虎徹を範として沸の強く、金筋・砂流しのよく働いた相州伝を得意とし、特に、山浦清麿写しは著名である。この短刀は宗勉刀匠が最も得意とした源清麿写しの作で、互の目乱れに角がかった大互の目・頭の丸い互の目など交じり、足長くさかんに入り、匂口深く、沸よくつき、荒めの沸処々むらにつき、金筋・砂流し長くかかり、匂口明るく冴えるなど正に本歌に迫る出来映えである。 |

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