Wakizashi Soshu jū tsunahiro
脇指 相州住綱広
Item NO. | NO.K00188 | Price | Reference item |
Paper | NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper (公財)日本美術刀剣保存協会 特別保存刀剣鑑定書 | ||
Country | 相模国 | ||
Period | Late Muromachi period(室町時代後期),15th~16th century | ||
Blade Length | 43.3cm (1尺4寸3分)|17 3/64in | ||
Curve(Sori) | 1.0cm| 25/64in | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 3.15cm| 1 15/64in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.7cm| 9/32in | ||
Keijo | Hira-zukuri, mitsu-mune, mihaba-hiroku, sun-nobite, kasane-atsuku, sori-fukaku, sakizori-tsuyokutsuku. | ||
Kitae | Itame_ni_moku,nagare-hada_majiri, tokorodokoro_ōitame_o_majie, hada_tachi,chinie-tsuki,chikei_komaka_ni_sakan_ni_hairi,jifu_majiri, awaku_nieutsuri-fū_tatsu. | ||
Hamon | Gunome_ni_yahazu-fū_no_ha_nadomajiri, nie-tsuki, sunagashi_kakari, tobiyaki,muneyaki_o_majie, mina-shō-jō_to_naru. | ||
Boushi | Saki_togari-gokoro_ni_hakikake_nagaku_kaeri,munayaki_to_naru. | ||
Nakago | Ubu, saki_hosotte_asai_kurijiri, yasurime_katte_sagari, Hole 2. | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya(白鞘),Kuroro_urushi_nuri_wakishi_koshirae(黒呂漆塗鞘拵),kin_kkse_nijūhabaki(金着二重はばき) | ||
Details | Tsunahiro(綱広) was one of the swordsmiths who adorned the swords of Soshu blacksmiths in the late Muromachi period(室町時代後期,15th~16th century). The oldest of these crafts dates back to the Tenbun era, and it is generally said that this was the first generation, followed by the second generation in the Tensho era, the third generation in the Keicho era, the fourth generation in the Kan'ei era, and the fifth generation around the Manji era. Judging from the design and especially the arrangement of this wakizashi, it can be considered that it was made by Genki (元亀)or Tensho(天正)(15th~16th century), but there is still room for future research into the more detailed design. The workmanship of the ground blade is excellent, and the characteristics of this craft are well shown, such as the sharpness of Mikazukijo(三日月状) on the hitatsuraba(皆焼刃), and it is also sound. 室町時代後期の相州鍛冶の掉尾を飾る刀工に綱広がいる。同工は天文年紀のものが一番古く、通説これを初代として、二代を天正、三代を慶長、四代を寛永、五代を万治頃と伝えている。この脇指は作柄、及び特に体配からして、元亀・天正の作と鑑せられるが、さらに詳しい代別については今後の研究の余地がある。地刃の出来が優れ、皆焼刃に三日月状の飛焼を見せるなど同工の特色をよく示し、かつ健全である。 |

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