sendai-han Tosho Mei hu Listed
(Wakizashi) Yamashiro daijō Hujiwara Kunikane(First Generation)
脇指 山城大掾藤原国包
Item NO. | NO.K00188 | Price | Reference item |
Paper | NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper (公財)日本美術刀剣保存協会 特別保存刀剣鑑定書 | ||
Country | Mutsu-nokuni(陸奥国) | ||
Period | Early Edo period(江戸時代前期),17th century | ||
Blade Length | 36.4cm (1尺2寸1分)| 14 21/64in | ||
Curve(Sori) | 0.7cm| 9/32in | ||
Bottom Width (Motohaba) | 3.15cm| 1 15/64in | ||
Bottom Thickness (Motokasane) | 0.7cm| 9/32in | ||
Keijo | Front: Katakiri-zukuri, back: Shobu-zukuri,Iori mune, mihaba jinjō, sun nobite, sakizori asaku tsuku. | ||
Kitae | Masamehada,chi nie yoku tsuki,chi kei hairu. | ||
Hamon | Notare-chō ni Koguno-me-majiri, nioi fukaku, ko nie atsuku tsuki, sunagashi kakaru. | ||
Boushi | Suguni Komaru ni asaku kaeri,saki haki kakeru. | ||
Nakago | Ubu,saki ōsuji kae, Yasurime katte sagari, Hole 1. | ||
Accessories | Shirasaya(白鞘)(Kanzan-sign)(寒山先生鞘書有)・Kin-kise-ichiju-habaki金着一重ハバキ | ||
Details | The first Kunikane (初代国包) was a member of the Hongo clan, and was first called Genzo and later Yoshinomasa, and was called Yamato-Hosho-Goro (大和保昌五郎). He was born in the first year of the Bunroku era in Kokubu Wakabayashi, Miyagi District, Oshu(奥州宮城郡国分若林)(現在の仙台市)currently Sendai City, and later became a blacksmith under Date Masamune, and in the Keicho 19th year, by order of his master, moved to Kyoto and became a master of Etchu no Kami Masatoshi. He said he learned it. In the 3rd year of the Kan'ei era, he received the (Yamashiro Daijo), but when Masamune died in the 13th year of the same year, Kunikane also entered the path under the name Yoe Nizawa. In the 2nd year of Shoho, at the age of 54, he retired and handed over the headship of the family to his second heir, Kichiemon, but he continued to forge swords and died in the 4th year of Kanbun at the age of 73. This Wakizashi is a reproduction of his work from around the Kanei period, which was his specialty Chakunan-Kichi-uemon(2代嫡子吉右衛門), and shows the typical area of work of the first Kunikane, but the ground blade is more prominent than ever, and the front and back sides are sharp. This is a rare work with different construction. It is also listed in the (Sendai Domain Swordsmith Meifu).初代国包は本郷氏で、初め源蔵、のち吉之允といい、大和保昌五郎の末流と称している。彼は文禄元年、奥州宮城郡国分若林(現在の仙台市)に生まれ、その後伊達政宗の抱え鍛治となり、慶長19年主命によって上洛し、越中守正俊の門に学んだという。寛永3年、山城大掾を受領したが、同13年政宗が亡くなると、国包も仁沢用恵と称して入道した。正保2年、五十四歳の時、隠居して家督を2代嫡子吉右衛門に譲ったが、以降も鍛刀を続け、寛文4年73歳で亡くなっている。この脇指は寛永頃の作品で彼の得意とした大和保昌伝を再現して、初代国包の典型的な作域を示しているが、常に増して地刃がよく沸つき、表裏の造り込みが相違する珍しい作品である。なお、仙台藩刀匠銘譜に所載されている。 |

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